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The Pixie. This is a complex stereoscopic blend of stereo photography and computer generated imagery. Far beyond a simple photocollage, the stereo figure photograph is spatially integrated into, and interacts with the three dimensional computer generated scene. Or, if you prefer: Pixies are notoriously difficult to photograph. Not only do they only very rarely stand still for more than about 1/10 second, but when they do, your camera gear is at risk of being suddenly jinxed and/or disassembled! Many weeks of preparation and lurking at pond's edge were needed to obtain this exposure.

The Pixie article. Click here to read a slightly more technical illustrated article on the creation of this unique image.

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unclothed pixie stands at pond's edge

see award!

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Looking past instruments on bridge of starcruiser one sees Comet Hale-Bopp