Thank you for visiting my 3DSR image collection. These images relate to my presentation at the IS&T EI2025 SD&A conference. I have not built a web-page to show these images, in part because most likely you will want to pipe them into a 3DTV or 3D monitor, in which case a website will simply get in the way. Instead, I invite you to download the image files directly to your computer, then use an image viewer to _project_ the images onto your 3D display. Ideally you will have something like *Stereoscopic Player* available for dynamic zoom and pan into the 3D images. If you do not have a 3D display, you can of course open the images in a browser without first downloading them, and view them either with a stereoscope (use the 3840x1080 images) or anaglyph glasses. You will probably have to reduce the scale of the 3840 pixel wide images. The four directories are as follows: 1920x1080 == contains _squashed_ SBS format for direct display on any 3DTV or 3D display 3840x1080 == full width SBS format for LR stereoscopes and some displays anaglyph == use your red/cyan or red/blue anaglyph glasses illustrations == these are not stereoscopic, just some animated GIFs illustrating the 3DSR technique For more information, please do not hesitate to contact me: